Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Adenosine Triphosphate, Mutation, Heredity, DNA Fingerprinting, Nucleic Acids, Differences between DNA and RNA, Nucleotides, Human Genome Project, Types of RNA, Molecular Biology, Messenger RNA and, Nucleosides
Important Questions on Nucleic Acids
What are the functions of adenosine triphosphate?

What do you understand by the term mutagens.

Inorganic phosphate acts as buffer in aqueous solution.

Explain the formation of dinucleotide from pentose sugar.

What do you know about beneficial mutations?

Point mutation involves change in double base pair

Fill in the blank with the correct option given in the bracket.
Mutations can be induced with _____ (gamma/x-ray) radiations.

What are different types of RNA which are found in the cell?

The technique developed to identify a person with the help of restriction analysis is known as